Animals are the best therapists
The dog in the hospital, the rabbit in the retirement home, the horse in  therapeutic riding: Animals are increasingly playing a role in the treatment of people with psychiatric and neurological diseases in particular, the alleviation of various disabilities and the management of aging.

Animal assisted support 

Animal-assisted support measures offer possibilities of support related to motivational, educational, rehabilitative and/or therapeutic processes.

They are usually carried out by volunteers without an educational or therapeutic background.

Animal Assistend Activities (AAA)

Animal Assistend Therapy (AAT)

Live contact by faunamedical sponsorship


Rehabilitation clinics

Nursing homes

Retirement homes

Home care and nursing

What does that mean exactly?

In visiting services, animals that normally live in private households come with their owners for hourly visits to the facility, such as a nursing home.

This type of animal contact belongs to animal assisted activities (AAA) and is intended to bring variety into the lives of residents without the facility having to take responsibility for keeping them.

Autistic children have a high degree of communication and perceptual processing disorders. After animal contact, even severely disabled children often try to formulate sounds more often. The animals, are specially selected and trained so that they behave calmly and level-headedly even in unusual and extreme situations.

Today it is agreed that the contact with animals mobilizes and strengthens physical, mental-spiritual and social forces. Because creatures with fins, fur or wings are multi-talented. They are good companions, clowns, heating bodies, fountain of youth, contact exchange and antidepressants in one. 

Animals increase the quality of life, quite inconspicuously and nevertheless measurably. That animals are something especially valuable for these people and become their best friend, hardly anyone will deny. They enrich their lives and contribute to a great deal of quality of life.

Since the favorite animal cannot be available on a regular basis, animal sponsorship is just the right thing to keep in touch 24 hours a day "online" via faunamedical. One push of a button is enough and the best friend appears.

Animals can be used in many ways, for example in a therapeutic context, in psychotherapy or trauma therapy, in everyday school life, in socio-pedagogical family support, in nursing and care facilities and also in hospices.  
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